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How Do I Test My 8K HDMI System? A Complete Guide

Updated: Dec 26, 2024

how to test HDMI system

HDMI 2.1 with 8K resolution is no longer on the horizon, it is here! And creating headaches all over the world. This document is intended to help any integrator use the Fox and Hound kit to set up a distributed video system so that it is 8K compliant. The front page of the document acts as a “key” to the system diagram on the reverse side. The end goal of this document is to ensure that your video systems are compliant and ready for 8K whether the components and content are in current use today or will be used in the future.

The numbers below are keyed to corresponding numbered elements in the diagram above. In this diagram, the generator is depicted with a green highlighted outline, and the analyzer is depicted with a purple highlighted outline. Also in the diagram, the generator is emulating a source outputting a test pattern. The analyzer is emulating the next device in the signal path, which may be the matrix switcher, the HDMI extension kit, or the display. 

  1. Using the Fox & Hound Cable Test, verify all system HDMI cables pass-through 40Gbps. After testing, reinstall cables to original locations and ensure they are securely reconnected. If cables are directional verify orientation. Are all devices in the system 8K compliant and properly configured for 8K pass-through and display? Are all devices updated with the latest available firmware? 

  2. At an 8K source, temporarily replace the source with the generator connected to the existing cable and configured for 8K output.

  3. With the switcher powered on and with the existing cable, use the analyzer to verify the desired signal is present at the switcher output. 

    1. If no signal is present, or if the output signal does not match the input signal, verify the switcher is configured correctly for 8K signals. 

      Pro Tip: Inability to pass an 8K signal may be EDID related, check switcher manual for additional EDID information.

  4. With the HDMI extension kit powered on, locate the kit receiving unit and with the existing cable, connect the analyzer and verify the desired signal is present.  

    1. If no signal is present, or if the output signal does not match the input signal (as found at the switcher output for that signal path) verify the extension kit is configured correctly for 8K signals.

    2. Verify extension kit interconnecting cable is the appropriate length, properly terminated, and  securely connected.

  5. With the display powered on, verify the existing cable is connected to an HDMI 2.1 input and that input is configured correctly for 8K signals. Verify the 8K test signal is present on the display (refer to the display manual for details on verifying signal resolution).  

  6. Remove generator and reconnect existing cable to the source output. System has been verified to be 8K ready. ​

The content in this blog is derived from Murideo. It has been adapted for informational purposes only.

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